Well, the gifts are opened, we have ate enough cookies to obtain a similar shape of Santa himself, and our tree is crispy enough to spontaniously combust at any moment. (this is not the combustable tree by the way--we had 2 trees this year.) Since the big day Carsen and I have been working our hardest to catch up on lost sleep from the month of December seriously, he has been sleeping in until anywhere between 9:00 to the latest being 11:10 a.m. I don't know what we are going to do when school starts up again! Griffen on the other hand is still running on the gift adrenaline rush and waking up early to come downstairs and open the boxes that I have told him have to wait until outside time. Like this morning when I came downstairs to find the MAKE YOUR OWN GIANT VOLCANO!!!!! kit all set up on the dining room table....fortunately, I caught him prior to loading it with the HOT LAVA!!! This kit was a gift from my sister Brandy and her family. (standby for paybacks!!)
We did have a couple of proud moments this holiday season....the best was when Carsen asked what Jesus wanted for his birthday. (Whew, maybe they are learning the true reason for the season!) Another one was when they went up on stage during the Christmas service with all the other little church kids and sang a song for the congregation....right up until Carsen screws up his little face and covers both of his ears with his hand as if he is having to endure the worst sound he has ever heard. Luckily, Griffen was standing right next to him to silently, but forcefully let Carsen know that covering your ears while performing was not acceptable and that he should place both hands in his pockets for the rest of the song. I was holding my breath at that moment because normally when Griffen trys to force Carsen to do anything it turns into a full up brawl and all I could picture was the congregation looking at my kids brawling up on stage and thinking of the Herdmans from that book The Best Christmas Pagent Ever. To my amazement this did not happen and Carsen spent the rest of the song trying to follow along very nicely to "Do you hear what I hear?" Disasterous scene diverted...it really was a good Christmas! Hoping yours was just as wonderful!!