Sunday, November 26, 2006

What Novembers Over!?!!?

Yikes, what happened. It was just Halloween and now the snow is falling, my gut is full of turkey and potatoes, our lights are up outside, the tree is up and ready to be glitzed out!
I have to apologize as it has been a little while since I have written anything here. Some of it is my fault but I being the average wife have to place some of the blame on my wonderful husband! Now don't get me wrong when he does stuff like I am about to explain it is intended to "improve" things, save money, better quality, etc. etc. etc... however his timing leaves a little to be desired! As we have already talked about it is that time of year and I am making a valiant effort to have all my elves in a row, do all the online shopping to take advantage of 'free shipping days' and be completely ready for Christmas prior to 14 Dec. when Wes and I leave for a 5 day trip to Las Vegas. (Now, I know you must be thinking who in their right mind goes to Las Vegas for a vacation the week prior to Christmas!!) Well, in our defense the dates were chosen for us as we are going to a graduation of a good friend down there. SO....that explains that, now back to the why I have been absent here and that is because Wes decided to change our whole network, cable, phonelines over to another company which then in turn caused us to have to order new modems (which took a week), spend more then a few hours reinstalling and re-entering the TIVO things and working out all the other bugs that come along with changing everything over. So that pretty much took up the rest of November now I am freaking out a little because I have very few days to shop, and I am hosting the annual MOMS Club ornament/cookie exchange. Then there are the holiday parties, book exchanges, Griffen and Carsen's school stuff and I have to find something to wear to everything!! OK, OK I know I am looking for sympathy and my guess is there is none to be had! So, my wish for each of us in these hectic days prior to Christmas is this.
I wish for time....time to smell the pine from your tree, time to catch snowflakes on your tongue, time to make a snowangel with a child, time to drive around looking at lights, time to help someone less fortunate, time for your family and for your friends, time to read the Christmas story to you kids, time to decorate cookies, just time...... Take the time, make the time whatever it takes to truely celebrate this wonderful season!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


OK, I know this is my second entry for today but I couldn't let Carsen's big day go by without a story!
So, for those that don't know today Carsen turns 4 years old. Holy Buckets!!! How'd that happen? Anyway, it has been a day full of Carsen...he woke up to Griffen and I singing Happy Birthday, then off to school so "All my friends can tell me happy birthday" Then a little friend, Claire came with us after school today and all of us went out to Wes' work for a birthday lunch together where Carsen continued to let everyone know it was his birthday and where he started singing and dancing to..


Which was funny in and of itself but he managed to make it even a bit more funnier when Claire started to sing with him. "OH YEAH, IT'S CARSENS BIRTHDAY..."

To which Carsen quickly informed her that she was not doing it correctly. She must sing AND dance...wiggle, wiggle, shaka, shaka, jump!

He also managed to escape any birthday spankings. Each time anyone would ask if they got to give him a birthday spank his reply was: "No but how about a hug?"



I have arrived at the point of parenting where what I am wearing is an embarrassment to my child! I volunteer at Griffen's school every Thursday. So this morning I am there from 8:45 until 11:20 a.m. and about half way into the morning I have already tested the kids for their reading, given the whole class a spelling test and helped them grade each others papers. Now, I am standing at the front of the class listening to the teacher explain the next project when I just happen to glance at Griffen and he is looking me over from head to toe with an expression like he just caught a whiff of a porta-potty and whispers to me. "WHY are you wearing THAT!" "I don't like it." and then he looks away.
I am speechless... IT'S NOT LIKE I AM DRESSED LIKE A HOOTCHI MAMA!! It's a long, denim skirt with a brown V neck sweater and mid-calf high boots. So there it is...according to my 8 year old I am not the cool, hip mom I thought I was!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Will somebody please tell me where my kids came from??

I just returned from the initial meeting with a lady at Klamath Developmental Youth Services which is where Griffen is being sent by his school for his "disruptive behavior" for some counselling. So, after telling the therapist all the "problems" that Griffen has she had to state an initial diagnosis. Her diagnosis (without meeting him yet) is that the kid is - just - to - freakin -bright! He wants to be a perfectionist, and is possibly obsessive until he completes whatever he is working on and it is perfect or he has decided he wants to move on. He likes to be in control. (YA THINK??!!) He also is asking questions that apparently developmentally most kids don't ask or even think about until the onset of the teen years! (YAHOOO FOR US!)
Now I can confirm this because Wes had to answer Griffen's questions about sex the other night. TALK ABOUT NOT BEING READY FOR THAT CONVERSATION!! We seriously thought it would be at least around 10ish! However, we have learned that if he is asking we better give him the correct answer or we will be getting a call from someone later on because he has asked/confronted them. Like 2 weeks ago when he asked me "Why don't some of the kids in my class celebrate birthdays or Christmas?" Now I think I've got this one handled, right. "Well son, some faiths just chose not to celebrate any holidays...etc.." There that should satisfy an 8 year old. Wrong again. He waits a week and confronts one of the boys mother at the school. Asks her to show him "Where it says in the Bible not to celebrate birthdays and oh, by the way, Christmas is a celebration of Jesus' birthday!" (Seriously, he said this.) So he wants her to prove to him where is says it is wrong. She refers him to his parents who as you know already failed miserably in answering that question to any level that he finds acceptable. And so we got the phone call.....again! Oh, back to the sex question..he got basic, straight answers and he still refuses to even say any of the words to include: hug, kiss, love..because they are just too gross for him to utter. I think we are safe there for a while!
Then there's Carsen who says to me today. "Why do I always go fart, fart? Maybe, I should be named Tooter McKay" SERIOUSLY! Where did they come from??

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Holiday Tip

TIP OF THE DAY: The best way to get the house cleaned from top to bottom and ready for the quickly approaching "HOLY CRAP, IT'S ALREADY HERE!!" holiday season is to throw an all ages halloween party. Seriously!
Last night was our annual Halloween trick or treat party. Fun was had by all....and by this weekend I should have all the princess/fairy dust and tootsie roll out of the carpet. Or, I figure if I don't get all the dust out we can pretend that it is magic Santa dust and have a head start on the Christmas decorating. See, I'm always thinking ahead.

As you can see Wes and I do dress up....I'm sure you are familiar with the nursery rhyme...nuff said!